Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8 to 11 April, 2019
In approximately 10 months’ time – from 8th to 11th April, 2019 – the World Construction Forum 2019: »Building and Infrastructure Resilience« will be taking place in Ljubljana, Slovenia (https://www.wcf2019.org/).
It will be accompanied by the annual Executive Council meeting of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO).
The Organising Committee is currently working on the detailed programme of the forum. It has expressed its wish for those giving lectures to come from all over the world and not just part of it.
We are now turning to you, UPADI members, with a Call for Abstracts.
We kindly ask you to:
- inform your members about a Call for Abstracts,
- propose one or more respectable speakers.
The topics of the forum and their key points are listed in the enclosure to this letter.
The programme of the forum will be divided into sections. Each speaker will be given 15 to 20 minutes. Each section will conclude with a discussion leaded by the chair of the section when the section comes to the end.
Call for Abstracts (name, biography, title of the speech, abstract (100 words)) is open until Monday, 15th October 2018.
Abstracts have to be submitted at http://submissions.wcf2019.org.
By the end of the year 2018 the Organising Committee will decide which authors will be given the opportunity to speak at the forum. The decision will be based on the relevance of the proposed theme, the speaker’s references and the regional representation of speakers.
All other authors will be asked to prepare short video presentations to be shown at WCF2019.
Outcome of the forum will be also video recordings of lecturers and their PPT presentations which will be available on the WCF2019 web site for the period of minimum two years after the forum and a Ljubljana Declaration, accepted by WFEO, prepared on the basis of lectures and short video presentations.
Authors will be granted reduced forum fee.
In case you need more details about the forum, please contact Ms Polona Okretic ( polona.okretic@izs.si ) or Ms Barbara Skraba Flis ( barbara.skraba@izs.si ) from Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, in case you need more information about Call for Abstracts please contact secretariat@wcf2019.org.
Be part of WCF2019!